News Detail

Keep Calm And Program The Robot

RHMS students compete at the annual Ontario Technological Skills Competition. 
On May 1st, the RHMS robotics teams traveled to the Toronto Congress Center for the annual Ontario Skills Competition. Although the students had an early start, they arrived at the skills competition ready and eager to compete. RHMS students competed against teams from different school boards from all over Ontario. Both the grade 6 team and grade 7/8 team can be congratulated on their hard work and commendable sportsmanship. Both teams were graded not only on their programming and building skills, but also on their ability to work well as a team.
A special mention goes out to the grade 6 team for placing 2nd overall! The Ontario Technological Skills Competition will be coming out with the final standings for both our teams within the next 2 weeks, so stay tuned for the final standings in an upcoming news posting. 

A Private School Located in Richmond Hill, Ontario and serving the greater Toronto area since 1986.