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And The Winners Are…

Grade 5 and 6 students present their Science Expo projects.
For the last few months, students in grades five and six have been working hard on their Science Expo projects. This independent study saw the children digging deep into the scientific method to create an original experiment that they could test. The projects this year covered a variety of topics, from minimizing the effects of acid rain on plant growth to figuring out the best structural design for a dam. As a culmination to the project, the students presented their science projects to their peers in class. In the end, three winning projects were chosen from each grade. Here are the winners:

Grade 5
1. Yara, Lauren, and Alyna (5C) “Which type of artificial light is best for plant growth indoors?”
2. Akira and Ibrahim (5B) “How does acidic and alkaline water affect plant growth?”
3. (Tied) Karishma and Dia (5B) “Which natural preservative works the best?” and Oscar (5B) “Does higher acidity cause more copper and iron corrosion?”

Grade 6
1. Angela and Priya (6A) “What is the best solution to add to plants to minimize the effects of acid rain?”
2. (Tied) Valerie and Stefan. T (6A) “Does the shape of a dam affect its strength?” and Reanna (6A) “What soil mixture with worms increases plant growth the most?”
3. Amos (6A) “What household materials helps soak up the most oil?”

Congratulations to everyone!

* Parents please log into the RHMS portal to view more photos

A Private School Located in Richmond Hill, Ontario and serving the greater Toronto area since 1986.